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Agencia de Inversiones

Invest in Cartagena and Bolivar (IICB) is the investment promotion agency for the city and its department. It’ A public-private alliance that, promotes both domestic and foreign investment, and generates economic and social development by:

Managing opportunities for local and foreign investment in significant and strategic sectors.

Supporting potential investors throughout their investment process in Cartagena and Bolívar.

Promoting Cartagena and Bolivar as business and investment destinations

Leading public-private synergy to improve investment climate in the city of Cartagena and the department of Bolívar.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to attract both local and foreign investment to contribute to the economic and social development of Cartagena and Bolívar, as well as to their position as one of the main destinations for business and investment in Colombia and in the region.

Vision Statement

By 2022, Invest in Cartagena and Bolivar will be recognized as one of the country’s best investment promotion agencies, attracting local and foreign investment, leadership in business environment improvement, and work for positioning Cartagena and Bolivar as business and investment destinations.


Carolina Rosales

Directora Ejecutiva

Profesional en Finanzas y Negocios Internacionales y especialista en Gestión de Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar; con maestría en Creación y Gestión de Empresas Innovadoras de la Universidad de Valencia, España. Con más de 10 años de experiencia en la estrategia de globalización de empresas.

Diana Mesa González

Legal Advisor and Business Climate Leader

Graduate of Law with an associate’s degree in Conciliation, Arbitration, ADR. She also has 20 years of experience in corporate and trade law, and recruitment.

Jessica Cáliz Salgado

Senior Investment Advisor

Graduate of Finance and International Business and a Master in Business Information Technology from DePaul University in Chicago, USA. Her experience includes 4 years in the field of investment advice.

Leidy Carvajal Rodas

Information Analyst

Graduate of a dual-degree in Economics and Finance and International Business.

Daniela Acevedo Eljaiek

Administrative Assistant

Graduate of Finance and International Business and adds IICB with 8 years of experience in logistics of exports.




¡Join the progress, become a member!

Many companies and institutions trust and support our work at Invest in Cartagena and Bolivar. They pool their efforts to consolidate the city, and its department, as world-class and competitive investment destinations. If this is the right choice for you, be part of this fine project.